Breaking the taboo in such an unapologetic way causes a shock which some react to with laughter. We have created a social taboo around the topic. This is likely because of the prudishness that we have towards sex in our society. Many grown-ups still find jokes about sex laughable. X-rated comedy can be looked down upon by comedy snobs, but there are a large number of people who find these sorts of jokes funny, and not all of them are teenage boys. Most of the time, such comedy is talking about things which are x-rated, this could be the act itself, or just talking about related body parts such as butts, breasts, fannys, and d*cks. Such humour is sometimes looked down upon as “Gross” and “Yucky”. This form of comedy is known as Ribaldry or Blue Comedy. Most of the limericks that are going to be worth talking about are not the kinds of things you would want to say in front of your parents. So she pulled up her dress and said (“F*ck it!”) X-Rated Comedy The last word of the first, second, and fifth line must rhyme, as must the last words of the third and fourth line. We’ve already covered three separate limericks in this article, but I haven’t yet told you what they are.Īs you’ve probably already figured out, a limerick is a style of poetry.Įvery limerick consists of 5 lines, with the first, second, and fifth line having 7-10 syllables, and the third and forth having 5-7.

For others, it’s far funnier for a daughter to run off with her dad’s money, and for that story to be told using puns. So for some, the idea of a man with a thing big enough for him to suck is the height of comedy. Although it was still pretty funny.Ĭomedy is subjective. The first one was unfortunately not quite as X-rated. However, even this version is not the original Nantucket based limerick. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right. I have to be honest, I’ve never actually met this man or anyone from Nantucket for that matter, so I couldn’t comment on the accuracy of this claim. There is another one which is just as crude, but this time, about a rather well-endowed man. This poem was not the original dirty Nantucket based limerick.

What’s great about this limerick is that it’s a funny poem which turns our expectations of what poetry ought to be. So she pulled up her dress and said: “F*ck it!” Let’s start with the one this article is named after… I also want to try and understand where they came from and why they’re so popular today. I want to discuss some of the naughtiest limericks. Today, I want to talk about some of the greatest sonnets by William Shakespeare.